Year: 2022

Ripper Ruby

This week foe pe we did Ripper Rugby.

The first thing we did is passing, we all got into groups of 4 and we passed the rugby ball.

Next we did a Rely race we had to pass the ball at the person beside us we had 3 people in a line, and we had to go all the way to the end and come back.

Lastly we played Ripper tag we had 2 teams on each side bule and red on one and the same on the other, 3 people from each team would go in the sqaure and we would try to rip each others tags, and the red team won [which was my team].

I enjoyed playing rely race, I need to improve on being faster when playing rely race, I did well on Ripper tag.

Making Connection

We learnt how to make connections.

Making connection is connecting the knowledge to a new knowledge. There is 3 different connection : Text to Self, Text to World, and Text to Text.

I needed to make a connection of a book.

I enjoyed this activity because we revised learning Make Connection. I need to improve on remembering what make connection is. I did well on making a connection of myseld and the text.

Te Reo

Today we did some Te Reo Maori.

First Wheaea Odie teached us how to say moari fruits and vegtabals.

Next, Wheaea Odie showed us cards that has the maori words for a vegtabals or fruits. She showed us one of the cards and we had to pronounce it.

Lastly,we played a game this game when wheaea odie says maui we put our left leg in and if she says matua then we put our right leg in.

I enjoyed this activity because i learned some new maori words ,I did well in pronoucing the words in maori.



I learnt how to write a Explanation.

First,we learnt about the structure of an explanation. ties stands for title, introduction,  and the summary. The three main language features are third person. Present simple tense and cause and effect words.

Next,we learnt about the object that we were learning about.The object was a electric automatic pencil sharpener.You had to tell how it works

Lastly,we did a plan were we had to write everything we were talking about and put it on the plan then you had to write your summary. You had to write about the topic for the summary,then you had to write a explanation about the Electric Automatic pencil sharpener.


Patterns / Sequential

This week I have been learning about the difference between sequential pattern and pattern.

First we learnt the difference between sequential pattern and a pattern. A sequential pattern is a pattern that is in order. A pattern is anything that is repeated.

Then Mr Wong showed us an example about what a sequential pattern is. For example: Blue Blue Red is the pattern.

Lastly we created our own sequential pattern quiz, it also had an answer page. We needed to make a sequential pattern with five things. There are shapes, objects, letters, colours, and numbers.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt what is sequential pattern and a pattern. I need to improve on making a harder patterns. I did well at making the quiz patterns.

Inquiry / Fliming

My group learnt how to write and flim a script.

First we made the script about bees, we made sure we all had a roll in the script.

Next we practiced saying our script so we know our rolls in the presentation. The presentation was all about bees, we had to share what we know about bees and we googled things we didn’t know.

Lastly we made our video on screencastify.

Whale tail

I learnt how to shade and draw my digital whale tail.

First I practiced shading on a scrape piece of paper. I  practiced so I could use it on my whale tail to make it 3d.

Then I took a piece of paper and my whale tail and i practiced some of the designs and then I drew it on to my whale tail.

Lastly I used my shading skills to colour in the designs. Im still working on my whale tail.

I enjoyed this task because I learnt how to shade. I did well at drawing my designs. I need to improve on doing the art faster.


This week I learned what seqential patterns is.

First I made a pattern for shapes, colour, object, letter, number.

Next I wrote down questions, the questions were what is the pattern?, what comes next?, and what shape come third?

Lastly I made a answer slide which had the answers to the questions above.

I enjoyed making the slide. I did well on making the slide I need to improve on making much harder questions.

SSR Selfie

I completed a SSR selfie task, the book was called Smile.

First I read the book for 15 minutes, I read the text up to page 20.

Next I finished a SSR selfie task, the task was to write 3 key pieces of information in the text.

The I wrote the author and illustrator Raina Telgemeier., the main topic of the book is smile.

Lastly we had to find 3 new words, find out the meaning and write it in my own words.



The different types of comment are good, bad, and neither.

Good situations are good comments. For example: ” Can you make more vidoes.”

Bad situations are bad comment. For example: “Your ugly”

Neither situations are situations that are bad or good. For example: “That’s a bad way of……”

Good, bad, and neither types of comments are from how different people think.