Tag: Inquiry

Pros and Cons [Sea]

Sea transportation is when you get from one place to another.

Pros for a ship is: Ships have the largest carrying capacity compared to other transit modes. Which allows them to transport more goods on one trip.

Cons of a ship is: Shipping by sea can be slower than other transport modes and bad weather can add further delays.

Pros is advantages and Cons is disadvantages.


I made a skit based on a moral.

First I learned what a skit is. A skit is like a small short part of a story. To make a skit you need to have a message, problem, solution, characters, their descriptions, setting, and a script.

Next we wrote down messages for the skit, For example: Once a wolf always a wolf. And then we had to find a problem and a solution, a problem is a matter or situation and solution is when you solve a problem.

Lastly we wrote the actions and what the characters are going to say for the performance. Then I practised with my group saying our lines for the play.